Up to four mature cats and four mature dogs on one lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises are allowed. More than 4 mature animals requires a use permit for a cattery or kennel. Mature is defined: six months or older for cats, four months or older for dogs. More than the allowable number is considered a cattery or kennel which is only allowed in certain zones, on parcels of a certain size and requires a conditional use permit. Contact the County Planning Department at sacplan@saccounty.gov to get permit and permitting information. (See Section 7.3 & 3.2.5, Table 3.1 (Commercial Uses)(A)(1)(b) of the Zoning Code).
Complaints of illegal cattery or kennel are received by Sacramento County Animal Control and Regulation, and properties that do not comply are subject to follow-up enforcement by Code Enforcement.
Household pets other than cats or dogs are not regulated by the zoning code. Domesticated animals kept for pleasure, in a cage, terrarium, aquarium or other confinement within the primary dwelling are not regulated by Code Enforcement as long as they are kept in a safe, healthy and nuisance-free condition.